

Nature provides you with a safe space where you can take a moment to breathe, think, and reflect, in an environment where self-exploration and personal healing can take place. Each of us hold the key to our own personal sense of inner freedom. And for my part it would be a pleasure to be a part of your journey. Walking is scientifically proven to be one of the most effective
ways to reduce stress. Therefore integrating walking with
counselling in a natural outdoor setting, makes this a very
effective, powerful  

You might be feeling anxious, depressed, ashamed and angry. You might feel stressed out at work, or experiencing relationship difficulties, an identity crisis.  Unrecognised or unacknowledged transitions are often at the root of these thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

Research carried out by Mind, the mental health charity shows that, for some people, being in the open air and countryside improves psychological and mental wellbeing.

find clarity

There is also a physical benefit to walking outdoors and although our pace will be gentle, walking has well-documented benefits such as increased serotonin (‘happy hormone’) levels – and decreased stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which power our ‘Fight or Flight’ stress response.

Embrace the unknown, Learn more about yourself
Bring life into sharp focus, learn about where your edge is,
where your heart beats, and how to connect with that

Psychogical Benefits- Walking Therapy promotes the release of dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, and adrenaline inside the body, creating a natural high — leaving you feeling invigorated, happy, and full of life. 

Physical Benefits- Walking Therapy decreases blood pressure, promotes weight loss, and helps channel unwanted or negative feelings out of the body, reducing physical and emotional stress. 

Spiritual Benefits- Natural environments can help increase our feelings of inner peace and calmness, which can evoke a spiritual sense of connection to our environment 

BEnefits are:


“The natural, rhythmic, side-to-side motion, or bilateral movement caused by walking causes nerve impulses to cross back and forth between the left hemisphere (the thinking side of the brain) to the right hemisphere (the feeling part of the brain) which induces emotional and intellectual healing from issues such as trauma and stress.”

— Holly

“The world we live in is changing at an unnatural and unprecedented rate. We now bear witness to the impact of millennia of human life upon planet earth – and it is an alarming vision for us all. Perhaps it is unsurprising then, that this awakening to the global, environmental & societal truth, is coupled with an unprecedented surge in healing the mind body & spirit and the psychic disease of not "enoughness" & Perfectionism is impacting our natural world. The answers we are seeking have been in plain sight all along in our disconnection to nature – in nature, in the seasons, in the rhythms and cycles of life.”

"STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, and book Holly for a Session now! You won't regret it!"

— Michelle S.

"After having a RTT session with Holly I became on fire to live out my purpose & stop procrastination !"

This is for you if


Have Stress & anxiety

have Anger issues

Suffering from depression

Improving strategic thinking and creative thought processes

Have an Addiction

Having an identity crisis & need clarity

Trying to reclaim your life after a narcissistic relationship

book now

Session locations are based in the Cotswolds and East Sussex. Each sessions are individually tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements. I provide a full assessment to provide you with insight on the type of work that needs to be done to overcome your present challenges.

You're ready to OWN your own power.

Tell another trait of your ideal customer to draw them in.

Tell them who they are, and who they want to become. 

Session Locations...

designed by Elizabeth McCravy

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2020 HOLLYWHEELER limited. all rights rEserved.

Graduates of RTT complete a rigorous programme of training in order to become certified. We have been externally audited and validated as a training provider by organisational bodies across the world including: Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), International Association of Counsellors & Therapists (IACT) and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).