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 I'm Holly - A TRANSFORMATIONAL RTT HYPNOTHERAPIST & HOLISTIC HEALTH COACH, actionable advice, to change your mindset & Help you create exciting and effective approaches to be AUTHENTICALLY YOU & FREE YOU from any limitations that are holding you back .


The Draconian Soul Group

the draconian soul group

The Draconian Soul group is a negative soul group which project spiritual abuse onto empaths, starseeds and other sensitive souls that may have not had the greatest environment from childhood.Their souls vibrational matrix is actually structured differently from that of positive souls, in that it is designed to receive vital force energy from others rather than working with primarily one or two energetic qualities of vital force energy the way positive souls do.

They can thrive on any energy sent their way via the attention and focus of others, whether that is positive or negative energy.

They frequently employ manipulation control and disempowerment in order to direct vital force energy towards themselves in the form of FEAR they perpetuate concepts of sacrifice, hierarchy in the illusion that we have "no choice" but to act against our own divine nature.

They must receive vital force energy from the people in their environment rather than from divine source. souls will usually engage with the Draconian individual for perceived gain- generally love because hey we all need love! But they soon realise it was an illusion.

Only to to find themselves stuck in a situation they can’t seem to get out of!  Helplessness, victimisation and disempowerment are powerful energies that a Draconian soul can thrive on.

Remember that without helplessness victimisation and disempowerment there can also be no independence! they are the negative polarity on our planet.

When we give Draconian Souls our time in attention we are essentially serving them as a source of vital force energy. As family members, Draconian souls can be very controlling and manipulative doing whatever they can to gain attention.

This can be very tough on their spouses and adult children because if they cannot gain positive attention they will engage in negative attention seeking behaviour

The key to end in manipulation and drama with a Draconian soul is to literally attention starve  the situation. This is about us engaging in self discipline (boundaries!) more than anything else. Remember nobody can take our energy, we are the ones giving it away.

Attention starving a situation means we do not give the personal situation any energy  at the level of action or even at the level of thought !

when we do this, at first and negative so escalate their attention seeking behaviour they will lay on a big guilt trip or manifest some sort of emergency that seems to demand our time and attention.

If we do not engage at this point and continue to direct attention to our own experiences that negative soul will very quickly lose interest. They will disappear from our lives very quickly .

Obviously we have a lot of human conditioning to overcome  that tells us we should be in a relationship with family members, simply because they are family no matter how toxic.

We need to shift our perspective to realise that one of the main ways negative souls retain their influence and continue to receive energy from family members is through guilt and shame.

There is never a good reason to maintain toxic relationships even if those relationships are with family members.

This is how the Draconian souls derive energy from others and that this will never ever stop!!

One of the biggest ways Draconian souls receive attention and time and energy from positive souls is when we attempt to heal fix and help them. Draconian souls receive energy from you and can literally suck your life force energy dry. They are energy vampires!!

You can exclude  yourself from this mechanism through feel will no matter how hard it may seem right now and the trauma bonds!! The Draconian will simply move on to someone else to receive energy from!! They certainly do not need us to be their energy source.


The Draconian Soul Group

June 13, 2022

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